This page used to be much longer. It continues to shrink as the links rot and I periodically sweep out the dead ones.
- 10 Big Myths About Copyright Explained -- some quick, general, info on copyright laws.
- Copyright Basics -- a circular put out by the U.S. Copyright Office. Quite helpful on specifics of the law, such as what is covered and what is not, registering, expiration, etc.
- The Copyright Law -- The full thing from the US Copyright Office.
HTML Validation
- WGD HTML Validator -- Important to keep the web unified on what HTML is and means that your page will more likely render properly on a wide variety of browsers. I found WDG's error comments and links to tag references much more helpful than W3C's validator. Also, you can validate a whole site at once. (Visit WDVL to read more on validation issues.)
SD Emporium : Webstuff |
Last Edited: 06 Jun 2011 ©2003 by Z. Tomaszewski. |